Tokyo Mothers Group
English-speaking support group for families in Tokyo
TMG Coordinators
In-charge of: Overall group coordination, website, sponsorship/fundraising finances, meeting/event coordination, communications
I have 3 sons, Roman, born in October 2007, and Miron, born February 2011 and Orien born 2013. I've been living in Japan since 2000 and I love it here. I spent the first 3 years of my life in Japan in Osaka and the rest has been in Tokyo. Life as a mother in a foreign country has been challenging at times, but I'm loving the experience and the lessons I'm learning along the way.
I started working as a birth doula in 2014 and have found supporting women through their pregnancies, labours and afterwards very rewarding and a privilege to be involved with. I also have a strong passion for developing English literacy in children and am enjoying running an active Facebook community group of like-minded families called Kids English Literacy in Japan.
In-charge of: Meetings/get-togethers
Hello! I'm Anna from the land down under, Australia. I have a 3 year old and a 1-year-old and have been living in Tokyo since 2006. Through TMG events, I've met a lot of friends who are also raising their kids in this beautiful and yet mysterious city. Looking forward to meeting you and your little ones in future TMG events soon!
In charge of: accepting new members and Facebook page moderator.
Hi I'm Princez from Philippines, a mother of a 2-year old little girl named Queen. I've been living here in Japan for 5 years now. I was a complete newbie on anything about babies until I became a mother. I'm beyond grateful from meeting different and wonderful mommies through TMG. I learned a lot from their experiences and they become my immediate helping aid when I have questions or needed to seek advice, even late at night when I don't know what to do. I'm so thankful to be part of this wonderful group and I'm looking forward to learn, discover and share more things about motherhood.
The TMG Coordinators are always looking for volunteers. There are some great ideas in the pipelines that we hope to get off the ground in the future, and if you have any ideas of your own that you'd like to see flourish or if you feel you have something to offer us in terms of help, we would love to heard from you! Rememeber TMG is YOUR group so let's all work together to make it the best it can be!
Toe find out how you can help or if you would like to be a coordinator, contact the TMG Coordinators.
Welcome to TMG