For our next TMG Mums Spotlight post, we bring to you Carmela Fleury! Carmela is a Certified Martha Beck Lifecoach, a Certified Holistic Health Coach, a Yin Yoga teacher (studying towards the Insight Yoga Certification with Sarah Powers), and the Village Crazy Mama. She is passionate about raising happy and healthy humans and currently leads “Raising Happy & Healthy Mamas” retreats worldwide. This, along with avoiding doing laundry, has been her specialty since 2011.
1. In one sentence, how would your closest friends describe you?
I really should just ask my closest friends but instead I’ll just give the feedback I recently got from a public speaking coach, “Carmela, I have to admit: this was the most chaotic, disruptive, unorganized and unrehearsed speech I’ve seen AND it was also one of the most authentic I’ve seen.”
I guess that’s me in one sentence.
2. What is your family weekend ritual?
It’s chaotic, disruptive, unorganized and unrehearsed. So it really varies. But we try to involves some sort of activity in nature, i.e. beach.
3. What’s your no.1 top trick for getting through a hard Mum day?
Ridiculous amounts of ipad time. And/or blowing a fuse, apologizing, giving hugs, and starting again. Letting my kids see that mama is a human being with emotions too.
Also, self-care does the trick and helps avoid blowing a fuse. After 8 hours straight alone with my kids, I’m no longer a great mom, so asking for help helps.
Otherwise wine and chocolate have anti-oxidants. You’re welcome.
4. What gets you up each day?
Having to change my son’s peed sheets. Or my daughter’s cuddles. She gives the best hugs.
5. What keeps you up at night?
My husband. No, not in that way. We are currently living between Tokyo and Bali so we stay up to discuss calendars. Who is doing what when. You know, sexy stuff like that.
6. How has TMG helped you?
It has helped me meet some of the coolest mamas I know.
7. What challenges or benefits do you face being a parent in Tokyo?
The benefits of being a parent in Tokyo is that it is a clean, safe, efficient, and kid-friendly city.
Challenges, my kids are… uhm how do I put this nicely? They are a hurricane of energy, especially compared to well behaved Japanese kids.
So, I find it challenging taking them to public places like stores, subway, supermarket, restaurants, without wanting to give them horse tranquilizers.
8. Anything else you'd like to share...
Thanks Stephanie for doing all of what you do. Our lives in Tokyo would look very different without you.

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